Riding System Choice
Car mass (P) kg
Rated load (Q) kg
Distance between guide brackets (I) cm
Distance between car guide shoes (h) cm
Type of safety gear  
Car depth (Dx) cm
Car width (Dy) cm
Lift speed (v) m/s
Height of the building (H) m
Additional mass in a guide rail (M) kg
Position of the rated load, case 1 (XQ1) cm
Position of the rated load, case 2 (XQ2) cm
Position of the rated load (YQ) cm
Position of the car mass (Xp) cm
Position of the car mass (Yp) cm
Position of the suspension (Xs) cm
Position of the suspension (Ys) cm
Position of the door (X1) cm
Width of the car entrance (YB) cm
Insert data in the next fields.
If you had saved data before, you can rescue them from here
Lift type: PANORAMIC
Data Project: